Sunday, 11 December 2016

Food Diary 5.12.16 - 09.12.16

Every morning I have 3/4 eggs scrambled with coconut milk and half a tin of beans. Hardly exciting but a good source of protein after my workout.
I take a packed lunch to work:
- Grilled Chicken fillet
- Green Beans
- Baby Sweetcorn
- Mange Tout
- Spinach

approx. 3.6g fat   8.8g carbs   29.8g protein   188kcals

Here are some quick and easy dinners

Sunday, 4 December 2016

My Music Playlist

When I'm at the gym I have to be listening to music, a good base line gets me through any set. Now I have a pretty varied music taste, from anything from show tunes to rock music, but as I said.... when I'm at the gym I need a heavy baseline (or a catchy pop song)