Every morning I have 3/4 eggs scrambled with coconut milk and half a tin of beans. Hardly exciting but a good source of protein after my workout.
I take a packed lunch to work:
- Grilled Chicken fillet
- Green Beans
- Baby Sweetcorn
- Mange Tout
- Spinach
approx. 3.6g fat 8.8g carbs 29.8g protein 188kcals
Here are some quick and easy dinners
Monday 05.12.16
- 100g Mixed Mushroom Stirfry
- 100g Courgetti
approx. 0.7g fat 6.3g carbs 3.8g protein 53kcals
Tuesday 06.12.16
- Baked Egg
- Avocado
- Spinach
- Tuna
- King Prawns (lightly fried in Tabasco)
approx. 32.5g fat 13.7g carbs 43.5g protein 516kcals
Wednesday 07.12.16
(I was really tired from work so I just had soup - Sweet Potato, Coconut & Chili)
5.1g fat 18.3g carbs 2.7g protein 139kcals
Thursday 08.12.16
- Roasted Peppers
- 100g Cous Cous
- 1oz Cheddar
- 4 slices Halloumi
- 100g Chorizo
approx. 74.6g fat 51.2g carbs 58.8g protein 1,131kcals (healthy alternative - without cheese)
Friday 09.12.16
- Baked Sweet Chili Salmon
- 100g Cous Cous
- Asparagus
approx. 1.2g fat 28g carbs 27g protein 232kcals