'Give up (something valued) for the sake of
other considerations’
My alarm goes off Monday – Friday 4:45am
and I’m in the gym by 5. Yes this is
ludicrous and it may be slightly extreme but the gym is pretty empty and I get
a decent work out in before work.
I HAVE to workout before my day begins, if
I leave it till after work I will always find an excuse to miss it… ‘I’m too
tired, I have plans, I’ll go home first then ill go to the gym’ (as if that
would ever happen).
Getting up so early does mean I go to bed
earlier than most, and I do miss out on social events with friends because I
have to be up to train but it’s a sacrifice I’m happy to make. And my friends understand.
Eating out is one of my favorite things to
do, and when at a restaurant I want to enjoy my meal but ‘enjoying my meal’
leads to pizza and garlic bread and dessert. Which isn’t part of the diet.
So I sacrifice dinners out and instead I
meal prep, weigh how many grams I’m eating, and keep a food diary. It might not
be glamorous but it is worth it.
Now this doesn’t just relate to fitness,
it’s about everything. If you really want results you have to make sacrifices,
you have to put the work in. No one ever got what they wanted by doing nothing.