Saturday, 26 August 2017

What to Eat Before & After Cardio

Your pre and post workout meals will vary depending on what type of workout you do, but today we are focusing on cardio. However not all cardio training is the same, if you were doing HITT training you would eat something different than if you were doing a lighter session, such as a hike.

Low Intensity Cardio
You don't necessarily need to eat before you do a low intensity cardio session like a walk or a light jog, fasted cardio can be very beneficial. Obviously if you're starving, have a little snack like 1/2 a banana. Afterwards, eat some protein, healthy carbs and a little bit of fat is alright too:
- Peanut Butter on wholemeal/brown toast
- Protein Shake with berries
- Apple with 1tbsp almond/cashew/peanut butter

HITT / High Intensity Training
This is going to affect your body a little bit more than steady cardio. I would recommend eating prior to your work out (at least an hour)
After training, have some protein and carbs (2:1 ratio of protein to carbs) 

- Protein shake and a banana 
- Grain toast with 1tbsp almond/cashew/peanut butter and sugar free jam
- High protein granola with almond milk 

-       - Protein powder with coconut water
-       - 4 ounces chicken breast, 1 small sweet potato
-      - Any high protein meal